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For Clinicians and Practices


Why should my practice get involved?

The MOSIP Trial has been established to provide general practices with education, assessment tools, treatment/referral pathways, and specialist support to improve management of patients with chronic insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea in primary care. This is a cluster-randomised controlled trial. If your practice is allocated to the intervention arm, you will be provided improved access to training, equipment and services, including digital therapies not currently available in Australia. There is also remuneration available for your involvement, please contact the research team to discuss further.  If you are allocated to the control arm, you will receive education, assessment tools, and remuneration for your involvement, and will receive access to additional treatments after the trial is completed.  



How do I get involved?

Practices can contact the MOSIP Research Team at or on (08) 7421 9100 to discuss involvement in the trial. Please note that the trial is currently only available to practices located in South Australia. 



What do I actually have to do? 

The MOSIP trial will provide training for general practitioners and practice nurses regarding assessment and treatment of common sleep conditions and best-practice interventions. These training packages build on existing packages offered by the RACGP and the Australian National Guidelines developed by the National Centre for Sleep Health Services Research. You will be involved in the identification of suitable candidates for the trial and responsible for the ongoing management of their sleep health conditions. The trial includes access to various equipment and assessment tools for sleep apnea and chronic insomnia as well as providing improved access for primary care providers and patients to sleep services, specialists and therapies. 



Where can I find the screening forms, questionnaires, and research documents related to this trial? 

Once recruited, your practice will be sent a link to a website specifically tailored to your practice, which will contain all the documentation you need to be involved in the trial.  The research team can also be contacted at: or on (08) 7421 9100



How is patient data collected/recorded? 

Questionnaires will be provided for you to give to patients for completion during their appointment.  These will include assessments of their risk factors for OSA and insomnia. Digital copies of completed forms will be returned to the practice for uploading into your patient management system. Patient information relevant to the trial will also be recorded at Flinders University using a secure online survey program as per the ethics approval from the RACGP and Southern Adelaide Clinical Human Research Ethics Committee. 


You will also be periodically provided with reports on individual patient progress and practice-level overviews.   


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Where will the research be published? Will I be notified? 

The research publications pertaining to the trial will be updated periodically on the Research tab of this website. If you would like to be specifically notified about the publication of any new materials please just let the research team know. 



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© Copyright MOSIP 2022 
Level 2A, 5 Laffer Drive, Bedford Park SA 5042 

Phone: 08 7421 9100  


We value the different experiences and perspectives our people bring to their work and their studies. We are committed to individual and group actions to create and maintain a safe, welcoming and inclusive environment built upon respect, dignity, fairness, caring and equity for all peoples, cultures and histories. We acknowledge the traditional owners, both past and present, of the various locations the centre operates on, and recognise their continued relationship and responsibility to these lands and waters.

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