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Dr. Alex Sweetman

Australasian Sleep Association

Doctor Alexander Sweetman is a Program Manager at the Australasian Sleep Association, and has academic status at the Adelaide Institute for Sleep Health (Flinders University). 

He has conducted research in insomnia, sleep apnoea, and co-morbid insomnia and sleep apnoea for 15 years, and has cared for several hundred patients during clinical sleep studies. 

From 2013-18, he led a world-first multi-site randomised controlled trial investigating sequential treatment approaches for 145 patients with co-occurring insomnia and sleep apnoea. 

He is a member of 6 committees of the Australasian Sleep Association, including Chair of the Behavioural Management of Sleep Disorders committee. Dr Sweetman is leading implementation trials, and developing clinical guidelines, educational materials (GPs, nurses, psychologists), and tailored interventions, to improve the management of insomnia and co-morbid insomnia and sleep apnoea in Australian primary care. 

He is working with other members of the CRE to implement system-wide changes in primary care to access to behavioural therapies for insomnia.

View Flinders University profile

Dr. Alex Sweetman
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